Since we are having exams in the first week of February, we are expected not to celebrate Christmas (which I've never celebrated so far, just saying), New year's eve (just for the sake of count!), New year and also Pongal!!! All these come during our study holidays. On December first, I usually resolve to study the whole time till Feb and forego all these occasions, only to end up having a gala time on all the above said days! And of course, guilt prevails over me for the next week! (That explains why I'm late at throwing this welcome party, I was feeling culpable all this time for having wasted my time, I actually had huge fun, on 31st Dec and Jan 1st.)
Looking at 2011, I am just curious how this year is going to turn out for me. I usually have an idea at the beginning of every year about how it is going to be. But this year, I'm totally blank (partly because, I don't want to have any expectations, followed by disappointments). And I've realized, it feels good to start something with an empty mind (yeah, neither empty head nor empty brain, just empty mind!). However I wish this year gives me wonderful surprises, like the past 4 years, and treats me like it has, so far! (Yes, I've forgotten the 'bitterness' of 2010 already! :) )
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :) (Belated! Hehehe)