Thursday, March 11, 2010

Promises to keep…

Why should keeping a promise be so difficult?! I guess, anything that goes by the name “Promise, duty or responsibility” becomes a real tough task for me! I made a lot of promises to myself this week, and they turn out to be a headache for me!

Some of my “resolutions” for this week…

  • To study sincerely for my practical exams! It goes without saying, how hard it is for me to stay with the book!
  • Not to tweet until the exams get over… Hmmm this one, I’m able to do it, but seriously with some great efforts to refrain from tweeting!
  • Not to watch any movie till Sunday! This one has been quite easy as no movie released last weekend and I’ve watched all the movies that are “worth” watching up-to-date. This “worth” watching list is really compact, you know!
  • Not to sleep beyond 8 a.m! Aah this one is the toughest! I’m wondering why! Even if I sleep early, I get up late! I find it really difficult to fall asleep at night, and waking up in the morning is even more difficult! I am an epitome of laziness, isn’t it?!
  • Not to skip any meal. I never like to skip my breakfast! But I LOVEEEEEE to skip dinner and on working days I am made to skip lunch. But now I’m not able to have any meal! It’s like I hate eating at all!

Unable to sleep, unable to eat… Hmmmm…. NO! I’m NOT in love! Definitely not! If you are unaware, FYI, in this era, nobody is going to have sleepless nights and empty stomach when in love! And I don’t think I’m going to fall in love when 99% of the guys around me are AGMARK dumb idiots!

Hey skip it!

Okay, coming to my problem, (is it even a problem?!) the differential diagnosis could be “ASE” syndrome! Anorexia and Somnolence due to (or during) Exams syndrome! Seems I am one person who is not going to have insomnia during exams!

Promises…. Noooo…. They suck!!! I shouldn’t have even made them in the first place! I doubt if I will ever even think about the spelling of praamise! Or is it promis?! Oh I don't know! I'll not make any promise anymore, I promise! (Obviously, anything that is a "Promise, rule, resolution or glass"... is meant to be broken!)

For Robert Frost, it was

“But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.”


For me, it is going to be

“It is very difficult to wake up from sleep

And miles to go for the promises I have to keep

Just so that after exam results, I don’t have to weep!”


  1. Ther must be sme fancy name for d syndrome u r sufferin 4m.... Try d psych books :P....!

  2. Wowie......... nice touch at the end....

  3. ha ha ..yeah...promises , they suck ! :-)
